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Art is never innocent
And if it is
Then it isn't art


In his book "Mon Coeur mis à nu", Baudelaire writes : "So many middle-class idiots relentlessly using words such as immoral, immorality, morality in art, and other nonsense usually make me think about Louise Villedieu. She was a cheap whore who, while she once visited the Louvre Museum with me (where she had never set a foot before), started blushing, covering her face and, continuously dragging me by the sleeve, kept asking me how one could possibly display such an indecent sight in public, each time we both stopped in front of various statues and immortal paintings."

Artist have always depicted erotic scenes. Each artist has his own passions and tastes according to his own personal experience, apart from any social convention. Eroticism is part of their lives and it is thus very natural that they should express it.

Victor Sanchez is no exception. As many other artists, Victor also has a more intimate, erotical production that enthralls erotic art lovers. This part of Victor's website is dedicated to his very personal erotic art.

© Copyright notice :  Victor Sanchez All rights reserved.
All images, texts and contents on this site are copyright Victor Sanchez.
These images, texts and contents are the sole property of Victor Sanchez
and no rights are granted for any use without the express written consent of Victor Sanchez.